Depending on which agent you have been working with - Robert Edgin, Brian Johnson or Tim Cruz - you’ve been seeing our office names as Edgin Insurance & Financial, Johnson Insurance & Financial or Cruz Insurance & Financial. Now, in order to take better care of our clients, we have teamed up to form a unique partnership - EJC Insurance & Financial! The new partnership is technically called Edgin, Johnson, Cruz Insurance & Financial, but that’s a LOT to try and say!
To make it easier on everyone, we’re going by EJC for short.
The same as you’re used to…and a whole lot more! We still have the same team members that you’re used to talking to, the same phone numbers you’re used to calling, and the same locations you’re used to visiting.

We still offer the same products and services and represent the same companies. Most importantly, the level of care and service you’re used to is also the same! In fact, one of the reasons that we all agreed that a partnership would benefit our clients is because all three offices already had the same core values and beliefs when it came to caring for our clients!
We believe that our clients deserve to have more financial confidence and a better opportunity to reach their goals. We believe they deserve an amazing insurance and financial planning experience and that our team of experts and specialists can make their lives simpler, easier and better.
- We think holistically about our client’s future and help them PLAN, PROTECT and PRESERVE - making sure their insurance and finances work together for the good of their family and goals.
- We don’t sell things to our clients, we educate, inform, and advise them through amazing communication, so they can make the best decisions for their family.
- We do the hard work for our clients in order to make their lives simpler, easier and better and make the process more memorable and enjoyable through an amazing client experience that showcases how much we love and care for them.
Visit to discover the new look!